
The Night Rider

When we hear the words Knight Rider, we are reminded of David Hasselholf in his sleek, black car and the sexy theme music that lingers in your head. Yes, the knight rider. But the night rider I'm talking about this time is quite different. This night rider is part of our intimate true self, the part that comes out at night. It's at night, that we reveal our vulnerablities. Some escape into the worlds of fantasy and hope while others kick back into a world of life achievement. Which night rider world are you living in?

The Mournful Night Rider: This person escapes into the closet of sorrow. Tears flow and cries are made with this night rider. Whether it is over the loss of someone, disappointment, or regret, no one may recognize the solemn side of this person unless it is surfaced to the light.

The Sexual Night Rider: This person gets his/her thrill by letting go of any inhibitions and lives for the pleasurable moment. Now there's a little bit of the Sexual Night Rider in us all. You could be the creeper, the booty-caller, the one who dresses up for the spouse, or the one who has sexual desires but saving it for marriage. Why deny, if you know it is true.

Maybe you fit more with the Clubbing Night Rider. This rider just enjoys letting loose and having a good time. Life is about getting the job done in the day and drinking and dancing at night. Carpe Diem!

Now into the more logical night riders.

The Happy, Safe Night Rider: The person who could hang out at Jillians, watch a movie, or eat at a bar. Anything can be of good fun as long as it is safe, and everyone is enjoying themselves. These are the people that you see in the light who always have something positive to say and are always smiling. Though it may annoy you, you know they keep the world going.

The last night rider is the Family Night Rider. This is the rider that at some point in our lives, we long for if we do not have it. At night, this rider is at home with the family. He/she has had family dinner time, has played a few board games, and has tucked the little ones in. The rest of the night is spent with delightful, quality time with the spouse.

Our lives are entangled with so many things, that at some point we may fit the definition of each night rider. Some of you may fit into other types of night riders. The goal is to know yourself and act according to the person you want to be. It is who we are that attracts a certain type of person. If you don't want to be the Mournful Night Rider who attracts unstable people or part of the Sexual Night Rider who attracts the person who likes friends with benefits, now is the time to make a change.

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