
Relationship Insanity

It has been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. When we say this definition out loud or in our heads, we think to ourselves that we never fit the definition of being insane. There could be some truth to that, but what about the concept of relationship insanity.

Relationship insanity occurs when you're with someone and somewhere in the relationship, you and your partner repeat the same actions, thinking there will be a different outcome, but of course, there's not.

For the daters, do you ever find yourself always being the one to call the guy/girl, planning the date, only to get ignored or stood up? If you do this with every girl/guy you meet, you are putting yourself in relationship insanity. The person who truly deserves your time will make more than enough effort to date you without thinking twice about it. So have patience and wait for it.

Think about the "on and off" relationship. While the partners may change an action or two, more break ups only signify relationship insanity. The major change to break the pattern is to give the relationship a complete rest. After all, if it is meant to be, it will be, just not now.

So we hit on those love me, love me not relationships, but what about the people who are already couples? Yes, you may have relationship insanity too. Ever have the same conversation over and over again. You all say different things, but in the heart of the conversation, it may be the same topic. Whether it's about money, sex, chores, quality time, friends, or family, that topic always appears. The best thing to do is come up with a solution that BOTH partners can agree on. If someone brings it up, there has to be someone who will say "We've already solved this issue, and unless the solution has been unproductive, we don't need to discuss it again." Now, I'm not saying deny hearing each other's feelings, but you have to admit that some people just like to talk, and if you let them, they will.

The truth of the matter is that the hope we feel within the depths of our souls may put us in these insanity cycles. It is not the hope that is wrong but our mentality. Sometimes we are hoping for the wrong things. Hope that one day, you will meet the person you deserve, but don't put you're hope in something you already know won't work. Hope that you and your spouse will accept and understand each other for who you all are, not that you can change each other. Think about your perspectives on what you hope for and things may begin to change for the better and not the worse.

1 comment:

  1. “Epiphanies of Love,” brings up really great points. It leads me to think of two words; insanity and logic, and how they relate to love and relationships.

    Insanity- the condition of being insane, the derangement of the mind…extreme folly, foolhardiness, senselessness.

    Logic- reason or sound judgment.

    These two words are polar opposites, yet they operate at the same time within individuals in love.

    People often ask, “What is love?” My definition of love is insanity mixed with little logic; an emotion that is distinct to each relationship.

    There is insanity because, like the blog above states, we do have a tendency to repeat the same action expecting different results. That proves extreme folly!

    The reason there is a little logic in love is because human nature forces you to apply rationale.

    At times in relationships we have a penchant for thinking we are dealing with the same issue differently, but in all actually, insanity wins out and we realize the roundabout attempts we use to solve those situations are in fact the ones we tried before. This could be bad for some but not harmful to others based on the type of circumstance you’re dealing with.

    As the saying goes, “If you want to get along, go along.” Insanity and logic fight with each other, but they get along enough to coexist.

    After reading “Epiphanies of Love” and it’s thought provoking views, I feel as though the relationship insanity referred to, is my definition of LOVE; good and bad.

    I think Relationship Insanity happens with all couples, but the parties involved have to decide whether it’s a good brand of insanity or not. I know I sound insane for just implying there could be good types of insanity, but love is insanity folks and sometimes while you may find yourself acting out of the norm (PDA), or even doing what some would say is deranged (Running from store to store to find juussstt the right brand of wine for that dinner for two you planned); if it makes you happy… HOLD ON TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP INSANITY!

    But if at the end of the day you find yourself without distraction and really think about your relationship and realize it’s nothing but bad insanity, please let coherence win and walk away. Good insanity is somewhere around the corner waiting to be discovered.
