
Sex: Is it okay to change your mind?

Many people decide to be intimate while in a relationship. It is a way to show love and passion. What happens if someone decides he/she doesn't want to have sex right before the act? Is that okay? Read the article at the link below to find out!



True Love

Are you looking for true love?
Do you feel like you keep meeting Mr. Wrong?
Do you wonder if you could do something different in relationships?

Learn how to find that special someone with just one tip of advice. Click the link below and find out how.




No matter where you go, that three letter word always seems to pop up. If you are in a relationship, it definitely comes up in conversation. So what kind of sex are you having?

Visit the link and click on "What kind of sex are you having?" to find out: http://www.examiner.com/x-61996-Charlotte-Relationship-Advice-Examiner

Subscribe and feel free to make comments.


To Trust or Not Trust

In some relationships, trust becomes questionable. It is lost, and both parties are in desperate need to gain it back. Visit the link, click on the article, "Gaining trust that was lost,"and find out more about trust and gaining it back. Subscribe and post!!!!
